Ladies, to attend this event and be comfortable in a cushion seated booth that overlooks the entire nightclub; you must pay $20.00 in advance.
Your $20 will guarantee you a spot in the booth, champagne, cupcakes, wings and cool, sexy ladies to converse, dance and laugh with. ALL MONEY MUST BE PAID BY JUNE 10TH.
We are securing spots for the first 25 people that have paid:) Please, Inform Tachia, A.J. or Ronnie of your birthday so that we can acknowledge you with a little somethin, somethin:)
Balloons, photos, and confetti will also be provided. ALSO, REMEMBER IF YOU ARRIVE AFTER 10 P.M. YOU WILL BE CHARGED $10 AT THE DOOR.
Please note that payments are non-refundable. Please be sure that you can attend before making your payment.